
作者:重点实验室 编辑:张丽如编辑:发布:2016-06-12点击量:

  目:Multiscale topological design of functionallygraded auxetic composites by level sets






 Dr. ZhenLuo received PhD in Mechanical Engineering from “National Engineering ResearchCenter for CAD”, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2005.He has been a Senior Lecturer with The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)since November 2012, and he is the Director of “Computational Design and OptimizationInnovation” Group at UTS.

His researchactivities include computational mechanics, numerical modeling, shape andtopology optimization of structures, uncertain design optimization, compliantmechanisms, smart materials and structures, and design of micro andnano-structured metamaterials. He is the author of over 87 refereed researcharticles including 49 international journal papers with 547 SCI citations andwith an SCI H-index of 14 as of Feb 2013. He has been given 5 keynote lecturesand 17 invited seminars. He has supervised and co-supervised 6 PhD students. Heis the members of “American Society of Mechanical Engineers” (ASME), “AmericanInstitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics” (AIAA), and International Societyfor Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO).



This seminar focuses on a multiscale topologyoptimization for design of functionally graded cellular composites withmetamaterials. Since in practice the auxetic metamaterials are often too lowdensity to bear the loads of a structure, a multiobjective topological optimizationis formulated in this research to generate microstructural cells under loadsand boundary conditions of the macrostructure. This method is expected tocreate new man-made composites with a range of promising applications.




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