【03.31 讲座】Measurement Technologies for Medical Advancement


主持人:刘晓军 教授

时 间:2015年3月31日(周二)下午 15:00

地 点:机械学院先进制造大楼东楼B536

主讲人:Dr Leigh Fleming, The University of Huddersfield, UK




Metrology, in particular surface and geometric measurement has long since been used for process, product, function and performance improvement in many engineering applications. Particularly where surfaces are in contact with each other. The presentation will show how advanced measurement technologies can also be used to improve the function and performance of medical devices, and also how they can help shape best practice in clinical situations. Leigh Fleming




Leigh was awarded her PhD in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Huddersfield in 2006, under the supervision of Prof L Blunt and Prof X Jiang. The research focused on the use of advanced metrology to investigate the failure of femoral stems in total hip replacement. Following a period in industry working in research and development for DePuy International (A Johnson and Johnson company) she returned to academia and has since built research in the application of metrology techniques to many different situations, her main focus being those in the medical and healthcare sector.


 Leigh is currently the lead academic for all Automotive and Mechanical Engineering courses at The University of Huddersfield; she is co-director for the (Research) Institute of Skin Integrity and Infection Prevention (ISIaIP) and on the editorial board of Wounds UK, a healthcare focussed journal.

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