【7.13学术报告】An innovative tool for low-cost nano-patterning of large areas

作者:重点实验室 编辑:张丽如编辑:发布:2016-07-08点击量:

  目:Aninnovative tool for low-cost nano-patterning of large areas







High-resolutionperiodic patterns such as linear gratings or two-dimensional arrays ofstructures are required in many new applications. This is especially true inphotonics, where light management through nanostructures leads to higherperformance and more efficient devices such as LEDs, photovoltaic panels andLCD screens. In order to address this emerging market, we have recentlyintroduced a unique photolithography tool called PhableR 100 that enables lowcost patterning of large areas with periodic structures. The new exposure toolis based on the Displacement Talbot Lithography technique developed by EulithaAG. The tool is similar to a conventional mask aligner in terms of simplicityof operation and maintenance but has more than 10 times higher resolution,enabling printing of structures with a resolution of about 100nm. Full fieldexposures can be performed for seamless patterning of substrates up to 4” indiameter. The capabilities of this new tool and technique will be presentedwith examples of potential applications.



Dr. Li WANG is currentlya Senior Engineer at EULITHA AG, Switzerland, a spin-off company from, Laboratoryof Micro- and Nanotechnology, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland. He earnedhis B.S. degree in Physics department from Sun Yat-sen University, and hisPh.D. degree from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), and SwissCenter for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM SA), Switzerland in early 2011.He has published more than 20 papers, including Nano Letters, ACS nano, Chem.Commun. APL, Nanotechnology. etc, as first or corresponding authors. Hiscurrent interest focuses on micro- and nanofabrication, UV and deep-UVlithography and process development, as well as nano-optics. He is a member ofSPIE, OSA.



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