12.20 03:00PM 美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学李元鑫教授学术报告


学 术 报 告

报告题目:Sensory Data Analysis, Information-Fusion and Machine Learning             

                     for Smart Machines and Industry 4.0

报 告 人:李元鑫 教授                                      

报告时间:2017年12月20日, 15:00-16:30                                        

地    点:先进制造大楼东楼B604

邀 请 人:李振瀚 博士

主 持 人:杨建中 博士

李元鑫 教授

Professor Yuan-Shin Lee, Ph.D., P.E.

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

North Carolina State University, U. S. A.


This presentation will discuss the sensors, data, analytical computation and information fusion for next-generation digital and smart manufacturing. This talk will discuss the availability and utility of sensors on the manufacturing floor, and how such information is being used to improve productivity, quality and profitability. The presentation will also provide some insight into the direction that sensor utilization is heading in the manufacturing workspace, and the types of opportunities that they will enable in the very near future, as well as explore the possibilities and opportunities the sensor and data technologies may revolutionize manufacturing operations from the production floor to the global supply chain.

Short Bio

Yuan-Shin Lee is Full Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at North Carolina State University, U.S.A. He received his Ph.D. and MS degrees from Purdue University, USA, both in industrial engineering. His research interests include computational geometry for design and manufacturing, system automation, CAD/CAM, rapid prototyping, 3-axis and 5-axis sculptured surface CNC machining, computer-aided molecular design (CAMD), micro/nano manufacturing, and micro-scale biomedical devices development. Dr. Lee is Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He is also Fellow of Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE).

Dr. Lee served as the Department Editor of the IIE Transactions. He also served as an Associate Editor for several research journals, including the JMSE, JMS, CADA, VPP, IJISE, JMMS, and IJPE.

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