








2024 Chinese Language + AI Robot Summer School

2024 Chinese Language + AI Robot Summer School will be held in Main Campus of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) from June 17 to July 12, jointly hosted by School of Mechanical Science and Engineering (MSE) and State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment and Technology (iMET).

Our program is centered on Artificial Intelligence Robot, integrates cutting-edge advantages, popular science promotion, and interactive elements. Within 4 weeks, there are 40 sessions in total:

1) 20 academic sessions focusing on hot domains and research edge in the field of AI robot

2) 6 visits to large enterprises and national labs including National Key Scientific Research Platforms, National Demonstration Bases for Practical Teaching and World-Leading R&D and Manufacturing Enterprises

3) various Chinese culture classes and Chinese cultural experience visits in between

It is oriented towards overseas top universities, and we aim to recruit top international undergraduate and graduate students into this program and be a part of HUST-MSE.

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